Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Robidoux Roundup

Okay, a little late on this post. Figured I better get it up before this weekends race.

Being at my home course, and one that I know like the back of my hand, this is always my best result of the season as far as MTB racing goes. I was going to kill myself out there trying to keep up with the top guys that beat me down on a regular basis and give some overdue payback to a couple of guys that have gotten the better of me the last couple races.

Randy, Craig, Brad and the rest of the trail hippy disciples had Krug in the best shape I can remember. The course was perfect! I know I am biased but the work that goes into this race as far as trail maintenance is second to none. Its always cut three feet on both sides throughout the entire single track. When was the last time you raced without some overgrown areas on the trail? Not here! A huge thank you to everyone that make this race as sweet as it is!!! And for not 100% ostracizing me for not pulling my weight. Another story entirely.

Anyway, I knew from the start that I needed to hit the single track right behind the stupid fast guys. I made the mistake last year of not hammering it as hard as I should and I found myself riding my breaks the first 2/3 of the lap.

Race started perfect! I hit the single track sitting on TDonn's wheel, behind GWiz and two other dudes. Little did I know, this was also the end of my race.. I heard a pop on the road climb leading to the singletrack but did not think much of it until my handlebars started rotating on the first downhill.

Typing a multitude of profanity could only express maybe 1/3 of how I felt at this time. After the first little climb, I hop off to the side and tried to fix my stem, only to find that one of the bolts was completely stripped. I got it as tight as I could and tried to pedal on but I had to stop again and try to fix it. At this point all the Cat 1's were long gone and half the Cat 2's had passed me also.
Apparently this little 5Nm actually means something.. Yah, I am an idiot!
Once I thought I got it rigged enough to ride further I passed all the Cat 2's and just thought I would turn this into a good workout. Try and catch whoever I can. On to lap two I had taken back some places and even passed some of the tail end of the Cat 1's, but half a lap in and I had to face the inevitable and DNF.

This was my 2nd DNF, EVER! It took me a solid week to get over having to DNF on my home race. Disappointed would be the understatement of the year. Owe well, thats racing..

All those that had to miss it. Sucks to be you, the course was sweeeeet!

On to this weekend down to Warsaw, we'll see how it goes..

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