Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cliff Drive Cassic CX

1st race of my season in the books and it was a hard one. The boys from Manions switched venues and was it ever a tough one to start the season.

Since I normally think I am a lot faster than in actuality, I went down on Saturday and threw my hat in with the big boys (Cat 1/2/3) and proceeded to get destroyed. Man those guys are fast....

The course had plenty of climbing and what gave me the most fits were the off camber turns all in dry dirt that was basically powder.

Granted, I did not have high expectations of my performance being so early in the season for me, but man... When your in a 50 min race and your in survival mode come 20 min into it, its going to be a long one. I remember looking at my Garmin at one time seeing that we were only half way, I knew I needed to get into dumb animal mode (just pedal, don't think) and get it done.

Finally got lapped by the winner and YamsForLife on my second to last lap. Rolled in for a midfield 11th.

Photo from Pete Barth
All in all, it was a pretty good venue and I really enjoyed being out there racing again. Especially enjoyed seeing everyone out racing again, sharing this same dysfunction.

Photo from Pete Barth

Thanks to the guys putting the race on!  Painful fun was had by all!! Sunday looked like a blast too..

Owe yah, Thank you to the 8 Lumen Crew for the handups!!

My partner in crime seemed to need a break.. Hand up and getting lapped simultaneously, Bravo Chris. 
Get all the info and pics you want over here at Cliff Drive dot org.

Some good CX info over here. 

Results for both days is always easy to find over on:
KCA   &   Local Cycling dot com.

Also don't forget to get our race on your calenders for October 12th!!!!! Robidoux Roundup CX!!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Hey, hey, hey... Its Cross Season!!!!

Okay, Its been a while...I can't wait to get back to the race scene. I have only race 3 times this year. I raced more than that the first year I started!

But that is about to change. Hoping to get out this Sunday if I can get one of my bikes up and running right.

On  another note... Myself and some of our Joetown good old boys are putting on our first cross race!!! Pretty pumped about it...

Head on over to the website!




USA Cycling